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Life Analysis (Astrology/Bazi/Numerology)



Basis on the location of birth and the date and the time your birth, a natal chart will be plotted. It will based on the positions of the Sun the moon and the planets to do a detailed analysis of your life and life path.

You will get a natal chart and report.

Our charges is SGD 100/ hour.
Ba Zi 


BA Zi In chinese this means eight characters. Basis a person's birthdate and time of birth we can get eight chinese characters which will be used for life analysis purpose.


There are 4 pillars in BAZI represention the year, month day and time of a person's birth.


Our charges is SGD 100/ hour.



We are surrounded by numbers.


The Study of numbers is Numerology. Dating from  Pythagoras's time, he taught that the study of numbers will help in assisting in events and help a person.


A session of numerology will reveal secrets of numbers in everyone's life..


Our charges is SGD 100/ hour.

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