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In everyday life we deal with numbers every day. When we are born in singapore, we are given out identity number. the number on out birthcertificate.

The date of our birth is a set of numbers.

When you dial on the phone, there is a number.

When you pay for something, on the reciept there is a number.


Each number emits a vibration. It is these vibrations which causes changes in people. It is similar to Astrology, Bazi and also Feng shui. Most numerlogist uses the birthdate to calculate your core number....


For instance your gregorian calander birth day is 1977 May January and your lunar calander is 1977 March 14.


Your number which reflects your exterior, appearance to others would be 1+9+7+7 +5+1 = 30 = 3+0 = 3. (gregorian)


Your number which reflects your interior sub conscious mind would be 1+9+7+7+3+1+4 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5.



Hence you appear to be a 3 and a 5 person.



If you are a 1,
Creativity, independence, originality, ego, self

If you are a 2,
Empathy, cooperation, consideration, over-sensitivity, co-dependence

If you are a 3 ,
Artistic expression, sociability, friendliness, superficiality, wastefulness

If you are a 4 ,
Practicality, application, loyalty, rigidity, repression

If you are a 5 ,
Freedom, adaptability, travel, inconsistency, abuse of senses

If you are a 6 ,
Love, responsibility, understanding, meddling, jealousy

If you are a 7 ,
Spirituality, mental analysis, wisdom, fault finding, suppression

If you are a 8 ,
Executive ability, management, power, materiality, unscrupulousness

If you are a 9 ,
Artistic genius, humanitarianism, romance, emotionalism, dissipation

If you are a 11 ,
Intuition, idealism, invention, insensitivity, fanaticism

If you are a 22 ,
Practical idealism, material mastery, get-rich-quick schemes, viciousness



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